Vanderbilt University

2201 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37235

vanderbilt campus
100 Oaks Vanderbilt location
childrens hospital


Vanderbilt has multiple facilities around the state of Tennessee. It was first established in 1873 and was originally known as Central University. The name “Vanderbilt” was later incorporated into the college when Cornelius Vanderbilt donated $1,000,000. Since then, Vanderbilt has grown by adding different departments throughout the years.Vanderbilt is also know as the "Harvard of the South" and has nurtured many well-known people.It has been rated 14th highest college on the national level by U.S. News & World Report’s 2022 Best Colleges rankings.[6]

Past data of Carbon emissions of Vanderbilt

Between the years 2010 – 2019, data shows that Vanderbilt has reduced their emissions by over 30,000 metric tons! One metric ton is equivalent to 2204 pounds. The most drastic change shown was between 2013 – 2015 when they dropped emissions by about 40,000 metric tons. Vanderbilt is on track to continue their decrease its emissions for the future. [7]

Average emissions data

According to the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, the average emission for doctorate-granting universities, such as Vaderbilt, is 166,870 metric tons. The average college student emmits about 4 metric tons of carbon dioxide. [8]

How Vanderbilt Has Limited Their Emissions

2017-2018 report on how Vanderbilt has reduced their emisions

This is the 2017-2018 Annual Sustainability Report that shows the different ways to reduce CO2 emissions not only on their campus but in other aspects as well.[9]

Vanderbilt makes efforts to become carbon neutral ahead of their expected date starting this past spring [10]

Vanderbilt celebrating carbon neurality advancement to be achieved in the spring of 2021 instead of 2050