Solar Panels

Power Home Solar - Resource and deals for purchasing and installation.
Guide To Going Solar - A guide by the Department of Energy.
Tesla - Buy solar panels from Tesla.
The Home Depot - Buy solar panels on The Home Depot.
Lowe's - Buy solar panels on Lowe's.
Amazon - Buy solar panels on Amazon.

Gardens & Planting

Home Gardening - A Guide from Cornell University
Growing Fruits at Home - A Guide from Cornell University
Pollinator Gardens - Attract and Protect Pollinators
Organic Gardens - A Green Way to Grow Your Own Food
Plant A Tree - Grow a Native Tree

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Tips to Reduce Emissions
Spring Power Saving - Tips by the Department of Energy
Energy Power Saving Products - Tool to find more efficient
household electronics
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - A Guide by the EPA to reduce waste
WaterSense - A Guide by the EPA to reduce water use

Emissions Resources

CoolClimate Network - Emission calculator for small business
by UC Berkeley (Website)
Carbon Footprint Calculator - Emissions Calculator by the
Nature Conservancy (Website)
UN Calculator - Emissions Calculator by the United Nations
GHGRP - Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program by the EPA
Wren - Carbon Footprint Calculator with action steps
Warmd - Privacy Respecting Cabon Emission Calculator
(Android App)
Capture - Carbon Footpritn Tracker (iOS App)

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